About Me

Kaleb Key

I am a recent graduate of Kennesaw State University with a Bachelor of Science in computer engineering. In my undergraduate career I have traversed the engineering spectrum and used what I have learned in leadership positions and across an engineering internship. In the local community I actively participated in serveral organizations, however my primary focus was my undergraduate university's chapter of IEEE. There I served as the Hardware lead for the competition team for two years, where I organized the team structure as well as guided the design process of the robots for competition (circuitry,physical models, and mechanics). I also served as the secretary of the same organization for one year.

My experience is primarily in the realm of embedded programming, working with embedded devices and creating drivers for sensors and actuators. I have done this in professional settings, coursework and in extracurricular settings. However I have a wide purview of lesser experiences in areas such as: electronic design, object oriented programming, robotics, & FPGA deisgn. I am also continuing to learn and work with technologies such as Machine Learning and Computer Vision. In doing this I will be beginning a Master of Science program in Intelligent Robotic Systems (M.s Robotics).